10 Best New House Plans for 2022
10 Best New House Plans for 2022
If there is anything that can be said about 2022, it’s that the year has been a rollercoaster in the real estate world. Fluctuating interest rates, housing shortages, and lumber price fluctuations have made the home building journey an inter...read more.
How To Create a Comfy Yet Trendy Workspace Area at Home
How To Create a Comfy Yet Trendy Workspace Area at Home
More people than ever are working from home today. In fact, studies show that...read more.
6 Ways To Make Your Home Smarter
6 Ways To Make Your Home Smarter
As technology advances, options to make our homes smarter keep emerging. In 2022, people are finding several ways to make their homes smarter. Smart home products can help improve the safety and enjoyment of your home. From fingerprint door locks ...read more.
Top Room Designs for 2021
Top Room Designs for 2021
The year 2021 has been one where we’ve got to spend quality time with our families in the comfort of our homes despite the pandemic creating havoc across the world. With more time spent at home, there’s been a flurry of interior design...read more.
The Benefits of Building a Multi-family Home
The Benefits of Building a Multi-family Home
A multi-family home is defined exactly how it sounds. It is 2 separate homes that share a common wall with separate entrances. These homes are often referred to as duplexes, tri-plexes, or townhomes.  So why would anyone want to bui...read more.
Things to do Before Building a Home - A Step by Step Guide
Things to do Before Building a Home - A Step by Step Guide
Building a house is the ultimate dream for many people. The process, however, can be a nightmare if you don’t know where to begin.  Do you start by finding a builder? Do you find an empty lot first? Should you have your house ...read more.
Creating a Spa-Like Bedroom Retreat
Creating a Spa-Like Bedroom Retreat
Self-care is growing increasingly important, with more people seeking time to relax and take a moment to themselves each day.  Having a self-care routine has been proven to reduce anxiety and stress, improve concentration, relieve f...read more.
5 Ways to Create a Spacious and Livable Space in Any Home
5 Ways to Create a Spacious and Livable Space in Any Home
Do you ever wish you had a bigger home with more space? Most people do, but many people also have more usable space available to them than they think. Making your home feel more spacious and appealing to live in is absolutely possible. In fact, it...read more.
Smart Ways To Beat Lumber Prices
Smart Ways To Beat Lumber Prices
As you probably already know, there is a massive shortage of lumber that has been pushing lumber prices and construction prices through the roof. Reports are showing that the average new home building prices have gone up between 15% and 20% in the...read more.
Top High Tech Home Devices That Make Your Life Easier
Top High Tech Home Devices That Make Your Life Easier
Most homeowners are slowly having high-tech home devices installed on their property to make it easy to run their daily activities. These devices also save you a lot of money and time that you spend operating things around your house. But, what ar...read more.
Home Plan Cost Estimating With Advanced House Plans
Home Plan Cost Estimating With Advanced House Plans
One of the questions we get almost every day at Advanced House Plans is, "Is there a way to get a house plan cost estimate for your plans?". Luckily the answer to that question is now, "Absolutely.". For a few months now, we&#3...read more.
How COVID-19 Has Effected Home Design Trends
How COVID-19 Has Effected Home Design Trends
With 2020 coming to a close, it’s no surprise that the way people live and work has been dramatically changed due to the pandemic. Some of the changes that we have had to make as a society may never end, such as working from home.  ...read more.

Showing 13 to 24 of 47 results